Sync Triggers
Sync Triggers indicate what file attributes ChronoSync monitors to detect that a file has changed. The most common attribute to monitor is the file's modification date - this date gets updated whenever a file's contents change. When ChronoSync detects a change in modification date, it will synchronize that file.
The attributes that ChronoSync can optionally monitor are:
Modification Date (with allowed time difference) - When two files are evaluated, the modification dates of those files are compared to determine if a change has occurred and which file has been changed more recently. The "allowed time difference" indicates the number of seconds difference that must exist between the two files before they are truly considered different.
Data Size - The actual size of the file.
Finder Flags - Attributes such as labels and the extension hiding flag are included in this grouping. There are other attributes but these are the most common.
HFS Type/Creator - The HFS Type and Creator codes of a file.
Access Permissions - The read/write privileges of a file.
Locked Status - A file can be either locked or unlocked. If locked, it is protected from changes.
Owner/Group - Determines which users have access to that file or folder.
Always trigger - Forces a file to always be copied. Allows a sync document to be created whereby the rules are the sole determinator of whether or not a file gets copied.
We highly recommend using the default settings. If you change any of the Sync Triggers you should have an understanding of how the corresponding attribute effects your files.